Larry's Automotive Website Launched

Larry's Automotive had a really nice start which gave us room to enhance what they had and a lot of great content to work with which is amazing!  Even better, they took photos of the team and the shop to help us personalize the website more as well as the time to talk us through what was important for them.  The goal of the website is as important as what it looks like as each shop has a different agenda and it is more than being professional on-line.  YES, your shop needs to reflect the tone of your shop and YES you want it to be attractive, but it also needs to be functional in building new customers for you and you need the confidence to know that you the website is part of your overall team without being a burden to you.  That is the biggest fear that shops have.  It will take too much time and they have precious little of it.  This shop is unique in that they had a head start and that they are progressive in their growth with 25 years under their belt.  Growth is what they are aiming for and we want to help them get there.  Through the CMR EasyNews program giving them access to adding their own news and information as well as the front of site login so they can make changes easily this was an easy relationship to establish after talking with them at the ASA meeting and knowing that we are JASPER recommended.  Larry's chose the Platinum site for two reasons.  One so that we would add all the testimonials they had onto the website as they had over 100 total on-line and that adds serious weight and Two to ensure they had more graphics and movement for a dynamic look and feel for their website.  Moving forward we are using the SMART list to ensure they have control over the directories on-line and that they are able to make changes as needed.  Website Address:

We also converted some of their tv commercials into programs to play within the website showcasing more of their products and services. 

Need a new website?  I'd love to help you with one and am proud to have one listed as being in the top 10 for 2015 by ASA's AutoInc Magazine!  Just give us a call at 270-245-2365.


CMR Inc is proud be Recommended by JASPER Engines for their auto repair shop websites.  This heritage corporation stands for everything we believe in as a company.  You will find doing business with us to be EASY - EFFECTIVE - CONVENIENT.  Our auto and truck repair shop owners need to spend time turning wrenches not working on their websites!  *We are also now the Exclusive SOGGDA Ohio Garage Website partner.

PROGRAM INFORMATION: Websites are a one time cost and then belong to you.  All websites are mobile phone friendly and a minimum of 60 pages deep if you use all the pages.  JASPER coop reimbursement is up to 100% on our websites & up to 50% on our hosting-programming based on available balance and we turn your coop invoices in for you!* 

PICK YOUR MONTLY SUPPORT:  $199/MO SMART List Program includes 72 Online Directories working for you | Duplicates Suppressed | Enhanced with your photos, logo, information, brands, & services!    How Many Errors Do You Have Now?  CHECK YOUR BUSINESS NOW - CLICK HERE

GOOGLE SEO & FACEBOOK PROGRAM:  $349/MO includes our SMART List Program and monthly SEO articles added on your website AND Facebook for comprehensive growth bringing the two together for a solid markting foundation.



jasper websites by cmr

*JASPER COOP: JASPER WILL REIMBURSEUS DIRECTLY - YOU ONLY PAY THE DIFFERENCE! Your coop does expire on 12/31 each year and is based on your total JASPER sales the previous year.

JASPER Websites by CMR
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Office: (270) 245-2365

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