"Waddilling" Into Our New Office

We have officially moved into Waddill School! The Morton House treated us well but we are so excited to start our new journey at Waddill. The move was a bit early as we wanted to commemorate the August 14th purchase date of the facility two years ago.
The handshake deal on that day started this journey, so pardon our mess as we "step over" the penny floor that is still being laid and the cabinets that are being installed. Our phones are also being transferred, use our ticket system or email us for the time being. That being said our address has changed and is now:
123 Waddill Avenue
Suite 112
Madisonville, KY 42431
It's an exciting adventure for us as we settle in here and start moving forward again. We look forward to more great things. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation as we work through this transition from the Morton House to Waddill.
-Your Team at CMR & JASPER Websites
jasper websites by cmr

*JASPER COOP: JASPER WILL REIMBURSEUS DIRECTLY - YOU ONLY PAY THE DIFFERENCE! Your coop does expire on 12/31 each year and is based on your total JASPER sales the previous year.

JASPER Websites by CMR
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Office: (270) 245-2365

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Podcast thumbnail: Marion Miller