Get one of these? IGNORE IT!

We get calls and emails all the time from customers when they receive these notifications....IGNORE THEM! It is easy to see why many get nervous and why so very many go ahead and fill them out - sending the fees in. DOMAIN NAME EXPIRATION NOTICE would make you stop reading and when you see your URL address and a date, you are automatically going to think it needs to be handled. You're too busy to remember when you last paid for that address you own. Makes perfect sense.
When we point out the bottom of the 2nd paragraph where it states in BOLD "This notice is not a bill, it is rather an easy means of payment should you decide to switch your domain name registration to..." they take are no longer worried and have avoided a high cost and company that clearly does not have their best interest in mind. Having us here and available with a simple phone call or email to be able to check things like the IDNS "domain expiration notice" letters is just one of the many things we do here at to keep your costs down and provide customer service. There are so many programs out there that are taking advantage of our shops and if you have a question on a program you question, simply get in touch and we will let you know what we find out as well as post it here for our other clients to see.
We focus on keeping your internet marketing running smoothly so you can focus on running your business! *Team JASPERwebsites!
Here is an example of the letter you might receive from iDNS aka Internet Domain Name Services.